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Gobble or Snobble

Asklepion Remedies • Nov 04, 2020

Stop DEALING with congestion.

After working a few seasons as a Family Nurse Practitioner, I became quite familiar
with certain phrases patients would state. Depending upon the time of the year, I
would hear patients convey how they would get yearly sinus infections, almost with
anticipation “ Oh, I get this every year this time”. The scenarios were almost always
the same; symptoms started the day of the clinic visit, consistent with drainage and
facial tenderness. Say no more to the victim mind set of expecting a yearly aliment.
Stop dealing with the nuisance of congested sinuses, take control by preventing and
gaining relief.

Runny nose, stuffy nose, facial pain or pressure, headache, mucus dripping
down the throat (post-nasal drip), sore throat, cough and bad breath are all
symptoms people experience with sinusitis. Contrary to popular belief all sinus
infections do not require antibiotics. In most cases, especially if less than 10 days of
symptoms, infections are viral, only requiring supportive measures. I have come to
find in practice, that many people expect instant gratification from the use of
unnecessary medications; totally unaware that the medications are in fact useless in
some cases and the improvement in symptoms are due to the virus running its
course. But when your head feels like it weighs a ton, and your eye balls feel like
they are about to pop out, we tend to want whatever we think is going to give us
instant relief. I completely understand this which is why I have always advocated for
alternative measures to help soothe and decongest.

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